Human Capital

Human Capital

HR overview
We formulated the Enplas Group Code of Conduct in 2003. This document sets forth the basic principles and decision-making standards for behavior that all company officers and employees (regular, contract and part-time employees) should follow. We strive to ensure ful l understanding of the Code by distributing the pamphlet “Our Policy” to all employees.
Our “Guide to HR Systems,” which describes the qualities we seek in our personnel, the performance evaluation methods we expect, the relevance of our HR systems, as well as our thinking and approach to evaluation and remuneration, is made available to all employees to enhance the transparency of our human resources practices.
Enplas Group Code of Conduct, Guiding Principles
*The Enplas Group Code of Conduct is reviewed and amended once every three years. The Enplas Group Code of Conduct, “Our Policy,” and “Guide to HR Systems” are not disclosed to external stakeholders.

Excerpt: Table of contents from the “Guide to HR Systems” TOC

For data on the Enplas Group’s ESG performance (from fiscal 2019 onward), please see the ESG Data.

Key personnel data: Japan  *Numbers do not include dispatch employees.
■Number of employees
FY2023: 582 (male 470, female 112)
■Average age
FY2023: 42.2 (male 43.3, female 37.5)
■Average years since joining the company
FY2023: 14.5 (male 15.9, female 9.0)
■Number of employees by category
FY2023: Officers (including group companies): 21 (male 21, female 0), Regular employees: 524 (male 419, female 105), Fixed-term employees: 37 (male 30, female 7)
■Number of new hires
FY2023: 51 (male 35, female 16)

Key personnel data: Global
Number of employees by country/region
FY2023: 1,521 (Japan 519, US 142, Singapore 50, Malaysia 209, Thailand 142, China 171, Vietnam 209, Indonesia 30, Philippines 31, Germany 4, Italy 1, Israel 1, UK 12)
Retirement system
In Japan, we have in place a defined-contribution pension system.

Securing human capital
Recruitment and hiring in Japan is carried out by our Human Resources Group. It begins by formulating a recruitment plan that specifies the number of employees needed for specific job types based on the needs of each business unit. We also recruit graduates from local high schools in addition to universities nationwide. We are able to secure the human capital we need, in part because we maintain consistent standards with regard to compensation, working conditions, and benefits.

Human capital development
We carry out a variety of programs to develop our human capital. This includes training programs based on rank and job type, an international trainee program for developing globally important skills, a plan-based rotation program, and a selective program for preparing outstanding personnel to become the next generation of company leaders.
To promote understanding of our company culture, we distribute “Inspired by a Dream” (Japanese and English versions), written by founder Makoto Yokota, to all employees worldwide. This book tells stories from our company history that illustrate the values we hold dearly. We believe an understanding of our company culture contributes to our low employee turnover rate.

Training System Training

■New employee training
In Japan, we train new employees on business etiquette and other topics. Employees who work in the sciences and have at least an undergraduate degree undergo a one-month manufacturing training at a factory where they learn first-hand and in-depth the series of work processes from product and mold design through product assembly, testing, measurement, and inspection.
■Leadership training
This training aims to cultivate future leaders of Enplas who can formalize problems and think strategically by engaging them in rigorous discussions and thought exercises grounded in situation analysis. Our goal is to develop human capital capable of responding immediately to environmental changes in an age of uncertainty.
■Life and career planning study sessions
The age composition of Enplas Group employees is about one to two years younger than the average manufacturing company. Nonetheless, the number of Enplas employees aged 50 or older is expected to grow by around 10 people annually. In 2020 we created a second career assistance program so that these employees can continue to lead a fulfilling life even as healthy life expectancy in Japan is longer than ever.
■Average hours of training
FY2023: Average 34.0 hours per person per year in Japan
■Provision of career completion management upon retirement or end of work
In FY2019, we created a second career assistance program, and we annually hold life and career planning study sessions.
■On work performance and career development
We hold interviews with employees four times a year.
■Percentage of employees receiving regular reviews of work performance and career development
We hold interviews with employees four times a year.
No gender difference.

Our Guiding Principles on Diversity state that “harassment and discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, faith, sex, age, language, physical disability, social status, or educational background is prohibited” and that employees must “be fully aware that others may differ in their ways of thinking, interpretation, and decisions and endeavor to deepen one’s understanding and act through sincere communication with all who live in the countries or work in the companies where the Enplas Group operates.” We also have systems that encourage diverse styles of working. To support employee health and wellbeing, we conduct mental health checks, interviews with occupational physicians, health screenings, and full medical examinations.


Ensure diversity

Female ratio within the number of hires: 40% or more
■Female ratio within the number of hires
■Female ratio within the number of new graduate hires
FY2023:31.8% (entering the company in April 2024)
Ratio of non-Japanese in management positions at overseas locations: approx. 50%.
■Ratio of non-Japanese in management positions at overseas locations
As of April 2024: 64.1%
Mid-career hires
Ratio of mid-career hires in management positions: approx. 40%
■Ratio of mid-career hires in management positions
As of April 2024: 31.9%

■Maternity and childcare support
In Japan and in other countries, we have established maternity and childcare systems that exceed legal standards.
■Family care support
We have set up a family care leave program, but no one has used it so far.
■Rate of participation in childcare leave and post-leave retention (12 months later)
Rate of participation in childcare leave
FY2023: male 13%, female 100%
■Rate of post-leave retention (12 months later)
FY2023: male -%, female 75%

■Organizational composition by employee classification
Please see “Key personnel data” above.
■Welcome back program
We have a rehiring program for people who served three years or longer as a regular employee and were away from the company for no more than 10 years. To be eligible, one must have resigned from the previous job for one of the recognized reasons, which include marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, childrearing, sickness or home care of a family member, or a spouse’s job transfer.
■Employment of persons with disabilities
The Enplas Group hires persons with disabilities as regular employees and provides an environment for them to work in the same workplace as other employees.
■Promoting employee health
We have maintained a 100% rate of participation in health screenings and full medical examinations. For employees who transferred to outside of Japan for a job assignment, our system allows their family members to also receive health screenings. We bear the entire cost of group insurance covering three major diseases (cancer, heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease) and also offer flu vaccinations (voluntary, for a fee).

Occupational health and safety (employee wellbeing)
Each business site in the Enplas Group carries out activities under the direction of the Safety and Health Committee led by the General Affairs Group to advance the creation of workplace environments that enable employees to execute their duties safely, healthily, and comfortably. No serious workplace accidents have occurred in our manufacturing operations.

External Evaluation

Federation of Kanto Chamber of Commerce and Industry “Best Action Award”
Enplas received the “Best Action Award”.


Kurumin certification mark
Enplas received the “Kurumin” certification by the Saitama Labor Bureau on September 16, 2022 as a “Child-Care Supportive Company.”


Tomonin Mark
Enplas has continually built a working environment where employees can find it easy to use work-life balance support programs, in an effort to help them to continue working while balancing work and nursing care. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare conferred the logo (nicknamed “Tomonin”) on us for promoting the provision of a working environment favorable for balancing work with long-term care.


Certified as “Company with diverse work styles” by Saitama prefecture in 2015
We have been certified as company with diverse work styles in 2015, and became Platinum certified in 2020.


Industry affiliations

Shown below is a list of key organizations of which the Enplas Group is a member.
・Saitama Plastic Products Industrial Association
・Association of Plastic Molders East Japan
・Japan Die & Mold Industry Association, East Branch
The Saitama Plastic Products Industrial Association contributes to the development of the mold industry through administering skills certification for injection molding.